Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx
March 16, 2022With the exception of a small percentage of the country’s area, gazetted as human-free national park, the rest host both wildlife as well as humans, including herders and shepherds. Although they presence is wide across many areas of high importance for wildlife, they are rarely engaged on conservation initiatives. Now, we want to change this counterproductive approach, by engaging them in conservation of several charismatic species, including Persian leopard, Asiatic cheetah and Pallas’s cat. In this effort, we will be working with over 100 herders which are ranging in over 1000 km2 of north-eastern Iran. The backpacks, signed as “wildlife lover”, will be part of the larger engagement pack which will be shared with the herders in spring 2022. By the end of this project, we will expect a significant decrease in persecution of carnivores by herders in the targeted area.