Has Borna taken over Bardia’s territory?
December 23, 2016
New Pallas’s cat album
January 5, 2017Rangers are at frontiers to stop poachers, but without proper equipment and continuous motifs, efficient anti-poaching cannot be expected. Therefore, together with our local partners, we have come up with a list of key priorities for rangers to provide. Mountain motorbikes are essential for better patrolling across tough landscapes, but most of them are working for a decade or so, with non-affordable costs for fixing and maintenance.
Thanks to generous support from the Project’s donors, we have found a solution. In Tandoureh, we have facilitated comprehensive fixing for seven motorbikes. They have been sent to another town where it is a hub for such motorbikes and all engines have been replaced with original ones, sent from Tehran. In 2016, almost 1800 $ was donated from the Foundation to enhance motorbikes’’ performance. Therefore, Tandoureh’s rangers now have freshly fixed motorbikes with significantly higher performance.