The Future4Leopards Foundation hosted two nationally renowned actor and TV host, Reza Kianian and Saman Golriz in Tandoureh National Park in early March 2022. The event […]
Time has passed since Borna and Bardia were roaming rugged mountains of Tandoureh National Park. The old Bardia was found dead last year, while Borna’s body […]
On 25 December 2018, rangers along with staffs of Future4Leopards Foundation encountered a female Persian leopard in Tandoureh National Park. Surprisingly, unlike previous encounters, the leopard […]
Rangers are forces on the front-line of leopard conservation; they dedicate themselves to protecting the mountains’ most beautiful and vulnerable species. Working under poor working conditions, […]
An epic moment of encountering a wild leopard Many people are passionate about leopards, but far less are lucky enough to encounter a Persian leopard in […]
Consecutive droughts have dried up many springs in the Middle East, including Iran. Therefore, many springs have less water, if not at all. Therefore, careful management […]